Innovate. Solve. Stand Out. Brand.

Hack & the Beanstalk is a managed venture design + problem solving hackathon in a unique format. Run by professional venture designers at premium campuses. This has been conceptualised, designed and created by NYUCT Design Labs.

This helps businesses and organisation solve their problems, design the new, reimagine possibilities with young thinkers and designers on campus.

Whether you have a pressing real-life problem or an idea to test or a new brand to bring to life, this campus format guided and managed by venture designers can be extremely productive. This is an opportunity to access original ideas, source rapid innovation.

Your problem-solving hackathon right from problem structuring, registration, communication, IP management, on-ground management, timelines, modules, teams, pitch days, design, branding, marketing and social engagement will be managed end to end.

A related format can also be customised and conducted at management and engineering institutes.

Our venture-designers would be happy to discuss scaling or customising this for your business/brand/organisation.

An agile program in all respects

The entire process of launching, organizing your Hack and the Beanstalk program, branding, marketing, driving registrations, ideating, and creating prototype solutions with campus students typically takes 4-6 weeks. Now that’s agile.

As entrepreneurial venture designers, NYUCT Design Labs has blended design thinking, agile strategy, technology and ideas to both, design ventures as also solve problems across industries.

As the first of its kind Venture Design firm, NYUCT Design Labs is a multi-disciplinary collective that not only builds ventures, products, platforms, communities and brands but also as a design lab creates its own products and platforms.

How does it help business?

Problem-solve with campuses and a venture design firm. Through this program you can farm potential solutions and ideas where a professional venture design firm guides students around your problem to create a potential bank of ideas.

Generate breakthrough ideas where young, untemplated minds will offer design perspectives. This will also help in primary research amongst young thinking minds.

Get to test your design and hypotheses around your products, brands and new launches amongst the consumers of tomorrow. This is a method and format of campus engagement that keeps ideas for the company young and relevant with the times.

Advantages with Hack & The Beanstalk

End to end management

The entire venture design hackathon program and pre-work is managed from end to end by venture designers which helps you solve your most pesky problems without many headaches. You also need not worry about where you need to start. Call it problem-solving smart-sourced.

Agile with time-bound capsules

Run professionally, Hack & the Beanstalk kicks off with the sponsor-client’s identification of a business problem or need for rapid and productive, design solutions. The entire duration including pre-work, hacking, branding, marketing, and creating prototype solutions with campus students typically takes 5 to 6 weeks. Now that’s being agile.

Outcome oriented experience with Venture Design

As a venture design hackathon, this program and exercise remains outcome driven. Be it hacking through a design-product fit, solving a branding challenge, ideating new user-experiences, conceptualizing new ways of storytelling or simply solving a sticky problem with young design-thinkers, Hack & the Beanstalk is centered around business purpose.

Branding and content for your organisation (on & off campus)

With Hack & the Beanstalk you can create your own branded innovation and ideation program on campus while our team of creators puts together some amazing content of your program and experience as also some off campus opportunities. Share it with your partners and on social media. Make this an awesome ideation and design-thinking exercise and say goodbye to tired old formats and boring ideas.

Learn by doing

Give associates, colleagues, problem solvers and strategists in your organisation a back-to-school hands-on experience of design thinking by solving problems live and with practitioners. We call this learning and unlearning by doing. At school. We at NYUCT Design Labs also incubate and manage custom campus programs to solve business challenges (on request).

Out of box solutions for out of syllabus problems